Tools in Action – New developments in Life Cycle Assessment
A conversation on new developments in standardizing Life Cycle Assessment and Product Environmental Footprinting. With Rasmus Prieß, Öko-Institut e.V., and Norma Schönherr, Institute for Managing Sustainability, WU Vienna.
For the assessment of environmental impacts of products and organizations, Life Cycle Assessment is one of the best developed and largely standardized methodologies available today. In this session, Rasmus Prieß, Senior Researcher at Oeko-Institut e.V. and LCA expert, will talk to us about the different approaches included in the LCA family of tools, including hotspot analysis, organizational LCA and product environmental footprinting (PEF). He will share the latest developments on standardizing product environmental footprinting, for which new standards are currently being developed in Europe. Finally, we will take a closer look at the potential benefits and limitations of LCA for measuring the contribution of business to the Sustainable Development Goals.
This webcast was first published at the virtual launch, the final conference of the GLOBAL VALUE project, on 13th June 2017. Showcases are now available on the website of the GLOBAL VALUE toolkit: and
You can also access the presentation with all resources and links mentioned in the session here:
[slideshare id=77738286&doc=presentationonnewdevelopmentsinlca-170711071543]
André Martinuzzi, Norma Schönherr, Adele Wiman & Patricia Schindler
© 2017 Institute for Managing Sustainability │ Vienna University of Economics & Business
GLOBAL VALUE is co-funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no 613295. Sole responsibility for the project lies with the participating organisations. The European Commission is not responsible for the use that may be made of any material arising from this project.
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