Tools in Action – Human Rights compliance and impact assessment

A conversation on tools for measuring and managing corporate impacts on Human Rights. With Catherine Bloch Veiberg, Danish Institute for Human Rights, and Norma Schönherr, Institute for Managing Sustainability, WU Vienna.

The process of globalization and other global developments over the past decades have seen non-state actors such as transnational corporations and other business play an increasingly important role both internationally, but also at the national and local levels. This has given rise to a debate about the roles and responsibilities of such actors with regard to human rights.

In this session, Catherine Bloch Veiberg of the Danish Institute for Human Rights and Norma Schönherr, Institute for Managing Sustainability will discuss how companies can manage compliance with international human rights standards and measure their impacts on human rights across the value chain. Having been involved in the creation of several compliance and impact assessment tools, Catherine will share her experiences in corporate human rights engagements, as well as trends and expectations in the context of the SDGs.

This webcast was first published at the GLOBAL VALUE virtual launch, the final conference of the GLOBAL VALUE project, on 13th June 2017. A showcase is now available on the website of the GLOBAL VALUE toolkit:

You can also access the presentation with all resources and links mentioned in the session here:

[slideshare id=77738725&doc=presentationonthehrca-170711072816]


André Martinuzzi, Norma Schönherr, Adele Wiman & Patricia Schindler
© 2017 Institute for Managing Sustainability  │  Vienna University of Economics & Business


GLOBAL VALUE is co-funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no 613295. Sole responsibility for the project lies with the participating organisations. The European Commission is not responsible for the use that may be made of any material arising from this project.

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