Opening Keynote

Day one of the GLOBAL VALUE virtual launch was all about setting the scene for an exciting three-day exploration of the future of measuring and managing corporate contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals. With a prize of US$ 12 trillion in new business opportunities at stake, companies and their development partners alike have a major incentive to better understand how exactly they impact on global sustainable development.

André Martinuzzi and Norma Schönherr from the Institute for Managing Sustainability at WU Vienna, provided an introduction into the thoughts and concepts behind the GLOBAL VALUE project and toolkit.

How has CSR evolved in recent years? What are the implications and opportunities of the Sustainable Development Goals for business? How can companies contribute today? What are the tools at their disposal for strengthening impact measurement and management?

This webcast was first published at the GLOBAL VALUE virtual launch, the final conference of the GLOBAL VALUE project, on 12th June 2017. For more information on business and the SDGs, check the GLOBAL VALUE toolkit:

You can also access the presentation with all resources and links mentioned in the session here:

[slideshare id=78230467&doc=keynoteamfinal-170725110005]


André Martinuzzi, Norma Schönherr, Adele Wiman & Patricia Schindler
© 2017 Institute for Managing Sustainability  │  Vienna University of Economics & Business


GLOBAL VALUE is co-funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no 613295. Sole responsibility for the project lies with the participating organisations. The European Commission is not responsible for the use that may be made of any material arising from this project.

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