GLOBAL VALUE at European Development Days 2017
Already for the second time GLOBAL VALUE took part at the European Development Days, organized by the European Commission. With more than 120 sessions and 8000 participants, the EDDs represent Europe’s leading forum on development. This year’s conference was all about sharing ideas on how partnering with the private sector can contribute to solving the world’s most pressing challenges.
GLOBAL VALUE project was represented with a project lab session on smart toolboxes for impact: leveraging global business for development impact, a brainstorming session on Improving governance for responsible business as well as a global village stand on managing business impacts on development.
Between June 7th and 8th 2017, GLOBAL VALUE experts introduced participants to the new online toolkit for measuring and managing business impacts on development. The GLOBAL VALUE toolkit provides guides, practical tool showcases, thematic working papers and training materials to tackle the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) together with business. The official launch of the toolkit took place during a virtual event on 12-14 June 2017.